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佛山市腾胜陶瓷有限公司,位于陶瓷之都--广东佛山。初创至今,公司一直以打造中国陶瓷第一品牌为方向,创造出“腾胜”、“金陶”、“塔图”三大品牌。 产品严格执行国家的检验标准,各种规格年产量达到600万平方米。弘扬“团结、拼搏、高效、创新”的企业精神,从而赢得广大海内外经销商朋友和终端消费者青睐与信任,成为高档酒店别墅、大型建筑楼盘、住宅小区,等装饰材料的理想之选。天道酬勤,积极创新,全力为客户营造一个新型,环保的绿色家园。Foshan Tengsheng Ceramic Co.,Ltd, located in Ceramic City –Foshan, Guangdong Province.Since its establishment ,Tengsheng Ceramic Company is abiding by the principle of “ to build Chinese No.1 of Roofing Tiles ”, and creates the two brand of “Tengsheng ”, “ Jinlin” ,"JinTao"Roofing Tiles.Tengsheng products all conform to national standard GB/T21149-2007 for sintered tiles.And the quatity of different sizes can be produced by 6 millions square meters each year . We develop and expand our enterprise spirit of “Excellent Team, Hard Work, High Efficiency,Creation”,... [详细介绍]