

   日期:2014-01-08     来源:网络    作者:世界砖瓦    浏览:568    评论:0    
核心提示:作为2011年6月在南昌和嘉兴成功举办的两场大规模活动的成果之一,SWITCH-Asia 培训培训师 成功地在两地设立培训分中心,分别位于

作为2011年6月在南昌和嘉兴成功举办的两场大规模活动的成果之一,SWITCH-Asia “培训培训师” 成功地在两地设立培训分中心,分别位于南昌大学和同济大学浙江学院。




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“Train the Trainers” network in the greater Shanghai region

Building up on the successful training activities held in Nanchang and Jiaxing in June 2011, the SWITCH-Asia Project “Train the Trainers” has successfully established one training centre in each of the two cities. Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province, hosts a “Train the Trainers” centre in the premises of the Nanchang University. As to Zhejiang Province, the “Train the trainers” centre is located at the Zhejiang College of Tongji University.

The set-up of these latest training centers completes the establishment of the “Train the Trainers” network across all the Provinces where the Project is operating, namely Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. Headquartered in Shanghai, “Train the Trainers” now boasts a training centre in Nanjing (Jiangsu Province), Hefei (Anhui Provinces), Nanchang (Jiangxi Province) and Jiaxing (Zhejiang Province).

The network allows for more locally consolidated capacity-building of all the training, research, awareness-raising and lobbying activities that take place under the umbrella of the Project.

Project partners are glad for the significant step forward and thank the different local counterparts for the support offered to “Train the Trainers”. Local cooperation and training centres will undoubtedly contribute to an expanded outreach of all Project activities, to the benefit of the Project’s final beneficiaries.

For more information about upcoming Project activities in all these areas, you are advised to regularly check the website www.train-the-trainers.net.

