产地: | 福建 |
成型水份: | 详情见产品说明 |
成型周期: | 12~20(秒) |
挤出压力: | 300(吨) mpa |
减速器: | 详情见产品说明 |
每次成型块数: | 详情见产品说明 |
切条长度: | 详情见产品说明 mm |
送丝速度: | 详情见产品说明 m/s |
托板规格: | 详情见产品说明 |
振动频率: | 详情见产品说明 kw |
主轴转速: | 详情见产品说明 r/min |
砖刀直径: | 详情见产品说明 mm |
总功率: | 50(w) kw |
总重量: | 10(t) kg |
品牌: | 兴鑫砖机 |
型号: | QT12-15 |
外形尺寸(长x宽x高): | 1000010000(cm) mm |
采用德国技术:◇提高生产效率 ◇使产品密实度更高 ◇更节能、环保、省电30%.Using Germany technique: ◇To increase production efficiency ◇To make the production with higher compactedness ◇Low◇可增加彩色面料布料装置,生产各种规格彩色路面砖◇Can be increase the second materials device to produce all type of color pacing block 设备标配:成型主机、液压站、PLC智能电控箱、送料带、送板机、送砖机 ·性能与特点 ◇技术特点:◇进口高效能液压比例系统纯正部件(更高效、节能) ◇进口智能PLC触摸屏及纯正电气原件(自动化程度高、操作更简便)◇破拱式快速布料装置(对多孔砖布料特别有利、更均匀)◇扩展式高效振动技术(产品成型时间更短、密实度更高)◇高温热处理特殊工艺(模具更耐磨更坚固)生产原料:采用碎石粉、沙子、石子、水泥、可大量添加粉煤灰、炉渣、钢渣、煤矸石、陶粒、珍珠岩等多种工业废料。一机多用,通过更换模具可生产各种规格砌块:①多孔砖及空心砌块等;②陶粒保温砌块;③复合保温混凝土砌块;以上产品具有良好的保温隔热性能,能满足国家新的节能政策要求。 ◇Technical charcteristic:◇imported high-effect hydraulic proportion system pure component(more efficient and energy conservation)◇imported intelligence PLC touch screen and pure electrical element(high automaticity and easy to operate)◇Arch breaking type rapid feeding device(better feeding for multi-hole brick with better uniformity)◇Extend type high efficient vibrotechnique(Forming production faster and with higher compactedness)◇High-heat treatment special technoligy(to make the mould more durable and more firm)Prlducers’goods: Using smallrock,sand,stones,cement,can be heavy addition with fly-ash,slag,coal gangue,ceramsite,pearlite and etc many type or industrial waste.On maching with multiple uses,by changing mould it can produce all type of standard building blocks.①Multi-holes boock and hollow block ②Ceramsite heat preservation block ③Composite heat preservation concrete blockThe above production come with good heat preservation performance,and satisfy the national new energy conservation policy demand ·主要技术参数 振动频率:3800-4500(Times/Sub) 整机重量:14200(kg) 外型规格:11500×4550×2800(mm) 装机容量:38.2(kw) 成型周期:15-20(s) 额定压力:31.5mpa 激振力 :150KN 托板规格:1350×880×30(mm) 成型方式:振动加压成型 叠板机装机容量:3.7KW ·成型块数 |
[名 称]:QT12-15型全自动混凝土砌块成型机 [型 号]:QT12-15型 |